Our best wishes for 2024
As agents of change, we must sustain and promote this hope, despite the precariousness of the global situation. What’s more, one of the best ways of overcoming the disillusionment that can afflict us—amid so many social, economic, and environmental challenges—is to take action. Social innovation can help us move forward in the face of complexity. Our promise, at the Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS), is to support you on this path!
I also hope that 2024 will be a year of dialogue. Let’s make it our personal mission to “break down the silos!”
We must advocate and act in support of cross-sectoral strategies. According to the prestigious Stanford Social Innovation Review, the role of social innovation is “dissolving boundaries and brokering a dialogue between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.”¹
This dialogue is more urgent than ever! My experience in the business world, and as a civil servant, and—for the past eight months—as Executive Director of MIS, has taught me that every approach has both its levers and its limitations. By putting aside our prejudices, we can exponentially increase our impact. In 2024, let’s dare to do the unexpected!
To all of you who work passionately to bring to life your innovative vision for our collective benefit, happy 2024!”
Marie-Christine Ladouceur-Girard
Executive Director, MIS
¹ Stanford Social Innovation Review – Rediscovering Social Innovation https://ssir.org/articles/entry/rediscovering_social_innovation