#01, June 2019

Can citizen participation change the world?

Can citizen participation change the world? Raccords #01 Maison de l'innovation sociale

For nearly 30 years, citizen participation has been brandished by our politicians, neighbours, neighbourhood organizations and media philosophers. On all sides, we are being urged to take on an active part in civic life, to clean up our alleyways and to avoid giving in to the prevailing cynicism. It is believed that the potential is in our hands, and that it is up to all of us, as citizens, to speed up the ecological, social and political transition. But can we really shake up the system fast enough and with sufficient impact? Is citizen participation bound to limit itself to a series of folkloric gatherings to ease the city dweller’s boredom on Sundays? Raccords has met those who put it into practice and in thought, and who already rely on it to move forward.